Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The case of the Republic Presidency of Barack H. Obama-Part 1

The case of the Republic Presidency of Barack H. Obama-Part 1 Video Clips. Duration : 11.00 Mins.

The long-awaited masterpiece by Alex Jones and Infowars team is finally here .. Please support the filmmakers to buy or purchase a signed copy of .. Now it's time to take back our great country from the scumbag bankers and corrupt politicians and not more than 4 .. HTTP GET IT ON DVD: Infowars documented case of the Republic, as a sign of the offshore company is bankrupt the American economy of design. Leaders are now declared thatGovernment in the world is there and that the dollar will be replaced by a new global currency. President Obama has shamelessly Article 1, § 9 of the U.S. Constitution prevailed at the head of the UN Security Council injured, becoming the first American president to head the world body. A scientific dictatorship is in the final stages of completion, and the laws for the protection of fundamental human rights to be abolished throughout the world, an iron curtain of high-tech tyranny is now downthe planet. A global regime is controlled by an unelected corporate elites to implement a global carbon tax that will dominate all human activities, and a neo-feudal system of slavery. The creators of the images are carefully packaged Obama as a savior of the world, has become the Trojan horse to bring peace to the people just long enough for the globalists to complete their plan. This film shows the architecture of the new world order, and what the power elite of Serbia to have...

Tags: Alex, Jones, Fall, of, the, Republic, Barack, Obama, Webster, Tarpley, peter, schiff, ron, paul, judge, napolitano, Freedom, Watch, Max, Keiser, Gerald, Celente, Jim, Rogers, wall, st, street, Federal, Reserve, dollar, goldman, sachs, Tim, Geithner, glenn, beck, henry, paulson, 9/11, inside, job, msnbc, jp, morgan, chase, tarp

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