Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Report: Banks Horrible For investors (Wikileaks & Fight, protests)

Report: Banks Horrible For investors (Wikileaks & Fight, protests) On YouTube.

Cenk Uygur describes a report by the Boston Consulting Group shows that while they did the bank's incredible amounts of money, the industry has very little in the new order has been offered to investors over the past five years (and also the return from small to saving the taxpayer's financial crisis intensified collapse). He also explains discuss how the Department of Justice, Bank of America to fight against Wikileaks. Finally he added that the protests are spreading Bank. On Facebook: OnTwitter: Subscribe TYT Mobile View Ana blog and subscribe to: Read Cenk Blog:

Keywords: banks, banking, boston, consulting, group, industries, investment, investors, money, profits, return, wall, street, financial, collapse, crash, bailout, executives, bonuses, government, taxpayers, risk, leverage, capitalism, corporations, united, states, america, wikileaks, justice, department, julian, assange, cenk, uygur, tyt, young, turks

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