Friday, October 14, 2011

Comparing the ADT Home Security System Offers - Get the Best Price on a Home Security System Now!

Comparing the ADT Home Security System Offers - Get the Best Price on a Home Security System Now!

Security System

The traditional offer you will see on the various ADT Authorized Dealer websites will revolve around a FREE ADT Home Security System (0 Value) when you sign up for new monitoring service. You will be required to pay a installation fee and from that point on, you would only be responsible for monthly monitoring fees. Not bad.

Now what else can you get in addition to the Free Home Security System...? The answer is various things depending upon what is the most important to you.

If you are looking for Keychain remotes to quickly and easily turn on and off (arm and disarm) your home security system, you can ask the sales representative for 2 FREE keychain remotes for yourself and for a loved one.

If you are not as interested in 2 free keychain remotes, you can just get one free keychain remote and a free smoke detector. For some the main reason for getting a Home Security System is for Fire protection, for your family and for some, just for peace of mind with their pets when they are away from home.

Maybe you are not as concerned about fire protection, and maybe you don't want or need 2 Free Keychain remotes... what else can you get in lieu of those things?

An additional door sensor (normally the free systems protect 3 doors), or perhaps a glassbreak detector on a main window, a motion detector or another item that is more important for your individual needs. Typically this additional item is flexible as long as the retail value is similar to another one of the free items.

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