Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Home Security Decals

Home Security Decals

Security System

Apart from the obvious means of securing your home against intruders which include security measures on your doors and windows, surveillance systems, lighting and home alarms, another rather unknown security measure is a home security decal.

Security decals are wireless, do not require electricity or any other kind of plug in and do not require maintenance. They can be installed anywhere making them a perfect security measure.

Home security decals are an additional safeguard which warns would be intruders that you are protected and they should be considered as part of your home security equipment. They are cheap and easy to use, yet effective because the intruders has no proof whether or not your advertising is true or not, and it is only when they take that step of breaking in will they find out. Well placed decals are meant to deter anyone from even thinking of breaching your security measures.

Functionality and Benefits
You need to place your security decals inside your home, in strategic places naturally. You don't want them hidden; they have to be highly visible and able to be seen from any vantage point. The success of your decal depends on where it is placed. This is first line of defense you have against criminals.

Security decals are not very large. The security message is printed on the front of the paper, or plastic sheet and the front or back is coated with glue. It is then adhered to a non stick pad which peels off when you are ready to fix it. This is not unlike any other form of sticker, except for the message printed on the front.

You need to put yourself in the shoes of a 'would be' burglar. If you are thinking criminal thoughts when you approach a home, you want to be able to enter, take what you want and leave quickly. What would prevent you from entering a home? Certainly a home security system would, but then once you have smashed your way in and activated the alarm, it is too late and you are probably going to get caught, not a good thing for your career that is sure. If you see a decal advertising a security system has been installed you would most likely move on.

So, it is easy to see why spending only a few bucks can save you a tremendous amount of hassle and heartbreak later on, especially if you don't actually have a home security system installed. If you don't have a security system though, you do need to install some method of security on your windows and on your doors, this in conjunction with a security decal may be all you need to protect your home.

Easy to find, easy to install
Security decals are usually small stickers which can be installed on the inside of a window, but wherever you choose to install them, they must be visible from a distance and should also be able to stand up to close scrutiny, so don't even think about designing your own notice, this type of decal is useless and a burglar won't be fooled by anything that looks fake. Don't forget to install them on the upper floor windows as well.

You security decals need to be professional looking and if you do indeed have a home security system installed, chances are you will have received some decals with the kit. If not you will be able to find decent ones at a variety of outlets such as hardware stores in the security section. You can also find hundreds of online companies who stock and supply.

Another form of advertising are yard signs. This form of deterrent consists of a large sign printed onto some kind of weatherproof board attached to pole or poles that are pummeled into the ground. They are usually much larger and thus more visible from a much farther distance than decals are. Yard signs are most effective when placed near entry doors.

Other Uses
Some security signs or decals can alert emergency response teams as to what is happening inside your home, such as whether or not you have pets or if you have children. This is particularly helpful in helping emergency workers find family members quickly, so apart from being able to protect your home from intruders, they can even save lives.

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