Thursday, September 1, 2011

Anyone who threatens a network security company: System Administrator

Anyone who threatens a network security company: System Administrator

Security System

For the corporate network, the biggest threat comes from inside: IT-department employees who have built, and that has changed on the network than any other man of knowledge in society. When to "stumble" the system administrator to steal information, to set the full access to plant around the world or "logic bombs" in the database starts, eliminating the threat is under investigation. In some cases, the IT-ists under pressure to violate company policy by managers if they would be more than motivated"Emergency".

A study on American soil by Verizon and is quoted by PC World, 48% of cases of data leaks from the company staff. In 90% of a company guilty of such violations EN-ists, intentional and malicious acts.

The same study also shows that in 24% of cases of international crime, leaving parts of society, both because they have been laid off, or because he has submitted his resignation.

For the "curiosity" at the Department of Controlrecommended by security experts, monitoring software, the privileges granted to the company.
The monitoring of user

It begins even before the use of network and system administrators. You need to check to see if they too were involved in these crimes.

Once committed, they should not be more than what that access should be provided, as a rule.

Make sure employees who leave the company announced that

Many of the vulnerabilities have occurred as a result ofWithout that access for employees who would not leave was reduced quickly enough.

Monitoring employees for violations of well-known online

In most cases, small crimes lead to crimes committed in his right. According to the study of Verizon, the staff has published damaged started with small things, out of curiosity.

Software for the analysis of log files used

Security experts say that can be detected in many cases, harmful actions by studying the log files. Enter the log file (log)record the activity of the system and its applications.

There are three signs that indicate anomalies in the network: if unexplained amount of information appears in the log files with very long lines in the log or log-training, when suddenly disappear.

Educate employees about the threat from within

Security specialists recommend training for IT staff familiar with the problems of security and internally generated, as they say, when another culprit.

The best wayto combat malicious conduct by a network administrator, experts say, is through education colleagues from the track.

These are just some details that the employer must inform employees of this risk, the need for good security for your company to "the" rules "to be known for your protection and for your business, be very careful with this detail, because then you will regret not having had time to come to the formless and employees. The problems andYou will never know how to solve it, if you are an amateur and are still doing the same mistakes. For good information you can visit the two sides, which I followed. I hope that will be useful.

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