Thursday, September 22, 2011

Emergency Broadcast: The U.S. is under nuclear attack!

Emergency Broadcast: The U.S. is under nuclear attack! Video Clips.

"The Atomic Cafe" The sequence of nuclear attack. Music: A paranoid schizoid 1990 is the masterpiece of production of the CD "The Voice of World Control" have. We interrupt our normal program in the interests of safety and civil protection, offering by the U.S. government. Warning! Warning! This is an official warning of civil defense. This is not a test. The U.S. is under nuclear attack. Shelter fallout shelter in your area immediately. Repeat! United Statesunder nuclear attack. This is a civil defense official transfer. Enemy planes are headed for Canada, and in this way.

Keywords: anti nuclear war, manufacture, the forbin project, cold war, MAD, russian attack, end of the world, bomb shelter, red scare, evil empire, USSR, Red China, Cuba, Iran nuclear attack

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